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InnoCarnival 2016 (29 Oct to 6 Nov 2016)


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The nine-day InnoCarnival 2016 was held at the Hong Kong Science Park from 29 October to 6 November 2016, under the event’s main theme of "Smart Living.Innovative Hong Kong". This year, the theme of The University of Hong Kong’s pavilion was "Scientific Carnival" and we showcased 7 research projects from various Faculties, including the Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Science. Our key exhibit for this year was the solar car – Helios, which has won the Overall Champion Award and Innovative Design Award of the "New Energy New Generation" solar car competition held by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) early this year.

1. An Antibody for Predicting Tamoxifen Response in Breast Cancer Patients 利用抗體預測他莫昔芬對治療乳癌的效用 (Professor U.S. KHOO, Department of Pathology)

2. Development of Bismuth Compounds as Novel Antagonists against Toxicity of Anticancer Drug Cisplatin 研發減低順鉑抗癌藥物毒性的新型含鉍藥物 (Professor HZ. SUN, Department of Chemistry)

3. Next Generation Bone Implant for the Elderly 新一代骨骼植入物 
(Professor LU Weijia, William; Professor LEUNG Ka Li, Frankie; Dr. FANG Xinshuo, Christian and Mr. KULPER Sloan Austin, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology) 

4. Solar car – Helios 太陽能車 (Dr. Paddy K. L. CHAN, Department of Mechanical Engineering)

5. Reading Battle 閱讀大挑戰 (Dr. Samuel K.W. CHU, Faculty of Education)

6. Research and Development on Techniques for Automatic Segmentation, Tracking and Reconstruction of Mitral Valve from 4D Echocardiogram 從四維超聲心動圖自動分割, 跟蹤與重建二尖心瓣技術之研發 (Dr. K.K.Y. WONG, Department of Computer Science)

7. Amazing Water Filters 奇妙過濾水瓶 (Dr. TANG Chuyang, Department of Civil Engineering)

HKU partners with TCL to establish a Joint Research Laboratory for New Printable OLED Materials and Technology


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