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In Vitro Generation of an Osteochondral Interface
Therapeutic Biologics

Key Problem and Market Opportunity

•The bone-and-cartilage interface is present in many complex tissues including articular cartilage, growth plate and intervertebral disc
•Different attempts to fabricate this interface has not been reported before this invention
•Construct of this interface will open new market for tissue repair

Key Advantages of the Technology

Technology Section Slider 1

•New method to construct stem cell-derived osteochondral interface in vitro which resembles the physiological conditions

•3D configuration via multi-layered co-cultures with optimal culture conditions

•Presented with hypertrophic chondrocytes, calcium phosphate deposits, collagen type II and X, GAGs

Potential Product and Services

•Tissue engineering

•Cell-based therapy

Development Status and IP Strength

•Completed animal study

•Open to licensing

•PCT Application No: PCT/CN2011/000988

•Publication date: 2011-12-22

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