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Photo-Responsive Carrier for Hydrophobic Small Molecule Delivery at Target Site
Drug Delivery

Key Problem and Market Opportunity

  • Retinoblastoma is a severe eye cancer of infancy and childhood and can cause blindness or even death.
  • Currently, the invasive intravitreal drug administration used in clinics is unpleasant for patients and can lead to side effects such as ocular haemorrhage, endophthalmitis and retinal detachment, etc.
  • Thus, effective drug administration routes in a less invasive manner are desirable for the treatment of retinoblastoma.

Key Advantages of the Technology

Technology Section Slider 1

Figure 1

Underlying Mechanism

  • Three-legged small molecules are the main building blocks of the nanocarriers.
  • The cleavage of the three-legged molecules upon light irradiation can quickly lead to the breakdown of the nanocarriers, resulting in the rapid release of the drugs only at the irradiated sites.


  • On-demand drug delivery to achieve a less invasive and more efficient treatment
  • Metal free
  • Platform technology for delivering different drugs

Potential Product and Services

Target drug delivery system for eye or skin diseases

Development Status and IP Strength

  • PCT Application No. PCT/CN2021/081262
IP Status
  • Patent application submitted

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