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Novel Synthetic Vaccines: Polymersome based delivery for Peptides

26 Oct 2018

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Novel Synthetic Vaccines: Polymersome based delivery for Peptides

DATE :  26 October 2018 (Friday)
TIME :  11:00 am - 12:00 pm 
VENUE :  KKLG111, K K Leung Building 
SPEAKER :  Dr. Madhavan Nallani  

ACM Biolabs is focused on developing vaccines, particularly for oncology. ACM’s proprietary technology has been developed over more than 15 years of intensive R&D. It involves the incorporation of antigens (usually proteins or peptides) into or onto “polymersomes”. Polymersomes are conceptually similar to liposomes but are made from polymer chains instead of lipids. ACM Biolabs has proven that polymersomes are effective in presenting subunit antigens to the immune system to elicit immune responses thereby creating new, effective and safe vaccines. They are taken up extremely effectively by dendritic cells (“DCs”) and present the antigens to the immune system in a highly targeted way to induce a strong immune response (both B cell and T cell). ACM is currently working on delivery cancer peptides to elicit a strong cellular immunity against cancer in preclinical models and moving towards creating toxicology package to enter into clinics. The company is looking for collaborations with researchers at HKU.

Besides introducing the background and research focuses of ACM Biolabs, Dr. Madhavan Nallani, the CEO of the company will also share his experience as an entrepreneur in the talk.

Dr. Madhavan Nallani is the founder and current CEO of ACM Biolabs. Madhavan completed his PhD in Biochemical Engineering at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany, working on polymer vesicles with membrane proteins and conducted his postdoctoral studies on the self-assembly of block copolymer at Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He has over 15 years of experience in ACM technology. He initiated the bio-mimetic membrane project at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE), A*STAR, Singapore in 2008. Since then, he has been involved in commercialization of ACM technology, leading up to founding ACM Biolabs in 2013. Madhavan also held an Assistant Professor position at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, co-managing the Centre of Biomimetic Sensor Science (CBSS). Madhavan is the founding CEO of the company.  He has led his team to success and recognition for innovation, and was a finalist at the Wall Street Journal- Asian Innovations Award 2011. 

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