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IMID 2018 (27–31 August, 2018), Busan, South Korea

27 Aug 2018 - 31 Aug 2018

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International Meeting on Information Display (“IMID”) is an annual conference on the latest display technologies for academic and the industry. It is organized by the Korean Information Display Society (KIDS), the Society for Information Display (SID), and the Korea Display Industry Association (KDIA). IMID has become a premier conference for academic, industry, and business leaders to meet, publish results, and share knowledge in the information display. The conference includes keynote presentations, technical oral presentations, tutorials, workshops, poster presentations, special exhibition.

This year, TTO took part in the IMID 2018 which was a four-day program with 1) technology and product showcases by industry and academia; Display Industry Forum on current technology/market trends and future outlook of the display supply chain; and 3) parallel conference tracks on the latest technology research topics and product announcements.

At the HKU Exhibition Booth at the conference (Fig 1) we showcased five prototypes from Dr Anthony H W Choi, who is the inventor of our portfolio of LED device inventions.  We also distributed our booklets which showcased a total of twenty-four inventions for exhibition and promotion to our target industrial partners.

We were greeted by visitors from the display industry like Samsung Display, LG Display and Merck KGaA, as well as academic from Korean universities like Seoul National University and Kyung Hee University. Many of the visitors have shown interest in our prototypes that were showcased.

HKU at InnoCarnival 2011


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